Tuesday, September 29, 2009

1.) One thing I found surprising while watching the film was the segment with Rappie (the man that had the marketing focus groups) was the way he went about finding out what it was that consumers really wanted in advertising and what would really convince them to buy a product. He used a three step process that broke down the members of the focus group. One word he used was “luxury”. At first he asked them what that word meant to them to try and evoke some feeling toward the word. This was the first part of the process, which was for the cortex part of the brain. Then he moved into the emotional part of the process then finally down to the primal urges. I found this really interesting because it goes down almost to the subconscious of the consumer’s wants and needs. I never realized how much effort market researchers took in regards to the internal and subconscious wants that would sell a customer a product and how they focus certain ads to certain target audiences that would most likely want that product or be sold by that type of advertisement.

One thing I learned about myself, or more accurately realized about myself and my habits, is the fact that I tune out certain advertisements but some advertisements I really am drawn too. For example, ads with catchy music or cool graphics catch my attention and I find myself more inclined to want that product or find a need for that product based on the ad. Now when I watch television and the commercials when watching my shows, I think about what exactly the marketers are doing in order to sell me and or someone else that product, whether it is through the language or through the art or visual aspect.

2.) I agree with the video in regards to the incredible number of advertisements the average consumer is exposed to on a daily basis. It has hit the point where many times I don’t even pay attention to the ads, let alone realize I am being exposed to ads at all. Things from commercials to radio stations to ads on the sides of my favorite websites even to the bumper sticker application on Facebook can at some point be considered advertisements. At this point in time, for me at least, it would have to be a very creative ad for it to stick out from the pack; and like the video had said, because everyone is trying to stick out from the clutter, there is more and more clutter. There are only so many big ideas and there are only so many new products that people actually find a need or a want for. There may be a time when advertising fades into the background and the true necessities for life are the only things that people will buy.

I think that there are way too many advertisements circulating in our society today. Twenty or thirty years ago there were less advertisements and therefore people would actually take into account what they were selling, what good they could potentially have, and if there may be of use for the product in their lives. Now, we see at least ten to twenty separate commercials when watching a single television program, not to mention the junk emails, the junk mail, the sidebar ads, ads on trucks, car, vans. There are so many that people don’t even look at them anymore as something that could potentially be a purchase, they are more like a nuisance that we have to tolerate.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

In the first image the viewer sees a woman taking some photographs in the rain. However, when you zoom out from this first image, you see that the photographer is actually standing in a flood where the water is up to her waist. It would be easy to look at either of the photos and just assume what they are at face value. However, in terms of the "myth of the photographic truth" it depends on the person taking the photo to depict the message and the meaning that they want other viewers to gather from the photo. Photos in the past were always thought to convey realism because they were photographs from that time. However, it is up to the person behind the lens to tell the story through the photo.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photoshop as the medium

There are many things that Photoshop allows a user to accomplish using the program. When Photoshop is considered the medium it can be broken down into different categories of content. These are many in Photoshop including: styles, effects, paint brushes, patterns, gradients, backgrounds, files, shapes, and tools. The files can be broken down into pictures and images. The images can be broken down in to colors and the colors are made up from pixels in the photo. Photoshop as a medium allows messages such as being able to create collages of images to create pictures that never existed before; it allows shapes and colors to be blended for new and cool affects; it allows people to make new and innovative advertisements; it is like an extension of the human hand in the computer making what would have been drawn out in earlier times, digital, professional and focused.


Monday, September 14, 2009


1) How to make images more transparent so that they blend together to form a better collage image.
2.) How to put shapes, like arrows, into the photo without having to draw them in. This will make is neater and look more professional.
3.) Change the size of imported images. How to change the pixels as well as the size in regards to the size of the actual paper.
4.) Connect groups of photos with borders or some kind of separator so that it can define which part of the medium/message/content of the collage it is supposed to be.

Medium: Skype in this medium the content is the images, telephone video chat, directory, and instant messaging
Medium: Videochat in this medium the content is sound, images and video
Medium: Sound in this medium the content is sound bites, words, language

The Messages from this medium:
  • contact with people
  • access to phone through computer
  • extension of the human eye, ear, and mouth
  • takes away the need for personal contact
  • no more need to be face to face to have a face to face conversation

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Twitter is a very new technological innovation that has become very popular, especially with celebrities. It is basically a site where people update their statuses based on what they are doing and or who they are with. They also use it to communicate to other people using twitter.

Skype is another relatively new technological innovation. Users can use Skype to video chat or just to make a phone call from the computer to a normal phone and as a way of instant messaging someone who is also using Skype.

Facebook is probably the fastest growing innovation. It is a site where people can post photos, groups, events, birthdays, or any other personal or professional information that otherwise people would not be aware of or unable to get to.